Imutest set of 3 tests for... 3 fast, simple and reliable tests... CZK 1,650.00 -CZK 225.00 CZK 1,425.00
Savyon Campylobacter, Salmonella... 2 fast, simple and reliable tests... CZK 1,580.00 -CZK 400.00 CZK 1,180.00
Quick view GH Innotek - S-IMT respiratory muscle trainer - plus The world's first breathing training device with adjustable pressure resistance used to train the inspiratory... CZK 900.00 CZK 803.57 without VAT In stock Add to cart In stock
Quick view GH Innotek - nose clip for V-PEP/IMT and S-IMT A comfortable and effective aid for breathing exercises. It is a practical accessory for all those who use the... CZK 50.00 CZK 44.64 without VAT In stock Add to cart In stock